the ritual of leaving
the ritual of leaving
Beyond Blue
Beyond Blue

To watch, to observe, is to be

To be is to exist

To pass into being

beyond the blue

Transcending Past Blue Haiku
Transcending Past Blue Haiku

The blue is held

by the trees silence

that passes by

the window

within you.jpg
In Mourning
In Mourning

Relieving ashes

with white roses

Without Sanctuary
Without Sanctuary

breath of life.

towards peace

Leaving The Body
Leaving The Body

into memory

The Art Of Ruin
The Art Of Ruin
One Breath
One Breath

All is one, one breath. The magnitude of what defies time and place; A relationship unscripted, that moves without separation, just as the dark pine leans into the wind, becoming the voices of centuries. To hand yourself over to the promise of exchange; the act of giving and receiving; is to understand a dialogue of equilibrium, balancing in a time before the ‘beginning’ and the ‘end’.

this size.jpg
the ritual of leaving
Beyond Blue
Transcending Past Blue Haiku
within you.jpg
In Mourning
Without Sanctuary
Leaving The Body
The Art Of Ruin
One Breath
this size.jpg
the ritual of leaving
Beyond Blue

To watch, to observe, is to be

To be is to exist

To pass into being

beyond the blue

Transcending Past Blue Haiku

The blue is held

by the trees silence

that passes by

the window

In Mourning

Relieving ashes

with white roses

Without Sanctuary

breath of life.

towards peace

Leaving The Body

into memory

The Art Of Ruin
One Breath

All is one, one breath. The magnitude of what defies time and place; A relationship unscripted, that moves without separation, just as the dark pine leans into the wind, becoming the voices of centuries. To hand yourself over to the promise of exchange; the act of giving and receiving; is to understand a dialogue of equilibrium, balancing in a time before the ‘beginning’ and the ‘end’.

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